About the programme

At the programme you will work with economic modelling and its deeper foundation in advanced mathematics and statistics. You can design your own study track where you focus on e.g. finance, operation analysis, or economic theory. The programme gives you the prerequisites to understand economic models, their mathematical foundations, and their application in the financial and political world as well as in the public sector.

Admission and application

To apply for admission to this master's degree programme, you must have completed, or expect to complete, a qualifying bachelor’s degree or a similar Danish or international degree programme which is assessed to be relevant. Apply for admission via the application portal.

Below, you can read more about admission requirements and which documents to upload in the application portal. 

Academic admission requirements

Here you'll find the different academic requirements depending on which qualifying degree you hold.

With a Bachelor's degree in

  • Natural Resources (naturressourcer) with the specialisation in Environmental Economics from University of Copenhagen

you are granted legal right of admission and guaranteed a place on the Master’s programme in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics if you apply in time to begin within 3 years of the completion of your Bachelor’s degree.

Learn about when and how to apply

You meet all academic requirements if you hold one of the degrees listed below. Learn about when and how to apply. Note, however, that you still need to document that you meet the programme's language requirements.

From University of Copenhagen

  • Natural Resources (naturressourcer) with the specialisation in Environmental Economics (note, that if you apply in time to begin within 3 years of the completion of your Bachelor’s degree, you have legal right of admission to the Master's programme)
  • Agricultural Economics (jordbrugsøkonomi) / Environmental and Food Economics (miljø- og fødevareøkonomi)
  • Economics (økonomi)
  • Mathematics-Economics (matematik-økonomi)
  • Computer Science and Economics (datalogi-økonomi)

Check which master’s programmes at UCPH your bachelor programme is pre-approved for admission - only available in Danish

If you have a Bachelor’s degree other than those listed above, you must submit additional documentation along with your application so we can evaluate whether or not you meet the admission requirements. Learn about when and how to apply.

If you have a Bachelor’s degree, Professional Bachelor's degree or equivalent from Danish or international universities you are qualified for admission if your programme includes the following:

  • Microeconomics - at least 22.5 ECTS credits
  • Statistics - at least 7.5 ECTS credits
  • Econometrics - at least 7.5 ECTS credits
  • Mathematics - at least 7.5 ECTS credits

If you have a Bachelor’s degree in Natural Resources with a specialisation in Plant Science, Environmental Science or Nature Management from University of Copenhagen you are qualified for admission if your programme includes:

We may also admit applicants who, after an individual academic assessment, are deemed to possess educational qualifications equivalent to those required above.

Qualifying degree and other courses/projects

When we assess whether you meet the admission requirements for the Master's degree program, Danish legislation only allows us to assess your Bachelor's degree. Consequently, you cannot study supplementary courses between Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in order to meet the admission requirements.

If you have passed courses/projects before you complete the qualifying Bachelor's degree, these can be included in the assessment, even though they are not part of the Bachelor's degree program.

  • It applies to courses/projects you have taken as single subjects and courses/projects you have taken as part of another study program.
  • A maximum of 30 ECTS credits of these courses/projects may be included.

If you only need the necessary ECTS credits in the field of econometrics to meet the admission requirement, you can be granted conditional admission. If you have been granted conditional admission, you must pass an approved econometrics course of at least 7.5 ECTS credits prior to your studies begin. The summer course Introduction to Econometrics has been approved. You must register for the course yourself.

You can apply to have another econometrics course approved by writing to studentservices@science.ku.dk. In the email, you write the name of the Master's programme you want to apply for and write that you wish to apply to have another econometrics course approved in addition to an application for the Master's programme. Also, state when you plan on taking the course, and attach a course description.

International Bachelor’s degree

You can only get an answer to whether or not your degree meets the admission requirement by applying for admission to the MSc Programme. Only the admission committee can evaluate whether you are qualified or not and they only do this once they have received your application.

Bachelor’s degree from Denmark

You are entitled to 1 pre-assessment for 1 study programme, where, based on an assessment of the documentation you have submitted, we will inform you whether you meet the admission requirements.

This is a service offered by SCIENCE, but it is not a service you have to make use of in order for you to apply for admission.

Read about pre-assessment

Language requirements

Unless you have a legal right of admission to the programme you are applying for, you are required to document proficiency in English.

See language requirements

Application deadlines

Study start in September

1 March at 23:59

Application deadline for Danish applicants and applicants from within the EU, EEA and Switzerland.
Open for applications from 16 January. You will receive a reply by 10 June.

15 January at 23:59

Application deadline for applicants from outside the EU, EEA and Switzerland.
Open for applications from 15 November. You will receive a reply by 1 May.

Study start in February (legal right of admission only)

15 October at 23:59

Application deadline for Danish applicants and applicants from within the EU, EEA and Switzerland.
Open for applications from 15 August. You will receive a reply by 10 December.

1 September at 23:59

Application deadline for applicants from outside the EU, EEA and Switzerland.
Open for applications from 15 July. You will receive a reply by 1 December. 

How to apply

Choose the category below that fits you and read more about how to apply for admission. You will also find information about application deadlines and documentation on the websites.

Citizen in a country outside EU, EEA or Switzerland

Bachelor’s degree from Denmark

International bachelor’s degree

Prioritisation of applicants

If the number of qualified applicants to the programme exceeds the number of places available, applicants will be prioritised according to the following criteria:

  • Total number of ECTS credits in courses in microeconomics, statistics, econometrics and mathematics, with a special weight on microeconomics
  • Grades in relevant courses in economics, statistics, econometrics and mathematics

Limitation on second degrees

If you have already completed a Master's degree, please check out the rules concerning a second degree.

Admission statistics Environmental and Natural Resource Economics 2023
Admitted 27
Admission distribution (legal right/other) 14% / 86%
Applicants 74
Age average 24
Legal gender distribution (cpr. - m/f) 44% / 56%
Nationality (dk/international) 18% / 82%
Available spots No

Programme structure

Teaching is in the form of lectures, seminars, practical and theoretical exercises, and there will be a good deal of project work. You will be working both independently and in project groups. The programme has an international outlook with many international students.

During your first year of study, you follow the thematic course "Ecology and Ecosystems Science in relation to Environmental Economics" as well as five compulsory courses:

  • Applied Econometrics, where you learn how to carry out empirical studies.
  • Natural Resource Economics, where you learn about optimum use of limited natural resources such as oil compared with renewable natural resources such as forests, which can be replanted.
  • Incentives and Regulation, where you learn about economic regulation of environmental problems.
  • Economic Valuation Methods and Cost Benefit Analysis, where you learn methodologies for evaluating the benefits and costs of environmental initiatives.
  • Applied Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, where you will work on a practical project based on the knowledge and competences gained in the previous courses, either in groups or individually. Examples of topics from previous years’ project assignments are: Economic valuation of ecosystem services; International environmental agreements in relation to contract theory; Pollution mitigation by means of organic farming; Externalities from windmills.

Thematic Course

The thematic course in "Ecology and Ecosystems Science in relation to Environmental Economics" is placed in blocks 1 and 2 of the first year. It is based on lectures, classroom discussions, theoretical and practical exercises, excursions, and project work involving written assignments.

The course will give you a basic understanding of natural science, specifically in relation to ecosystems and their value to society. You will also get an understanding of how our use and management of natural resources impacts on these ecosystems.

The focus is on ecosystem structures, functions, and processes that are of special importance to the practical application of economic theories, methods, and instruments taught in subsequent economics courses. The thematic course will thus give you a basic foundation in natural science which is necessary to work with a large part of the practical cases that are used in the subsequent courses.

Elective and Restricted Elective Courses

The elective and restricted elective courses offer you the opportunity to personalise your study programme with courses within, for example, biology, management, law, or economics. This may be courses offered at the Faculty of Science or from other faculties at the University of Copenhagen, as well as from Copenhagen Business School. Some students also take courses at the University of Southern Denmark or at universities abroad.

Do a Project in Practice or Study Abroad

You can use some of your elective courses to do a Project in Practice in collaboration with a company or an organisation. You can also choose to study abroad as part of your programme. Read more here:

Master's Thesis

The programme is concluded with a thesis that gives you the title Master of Science (MSc) in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (in Danish: cand.scient.oecon.).

In your thesis, you will be working independently on a theoretical or empirical project. As you can see from some of the thesis subjects from the last few years, the issues range widely from Danish agriculture to tropical rainforest and climate change:

  • Cost effectiveness analysis of the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU-ETS).
  • Nitrogen contracts – an economic assessment of an environmental policy instrument.
  • Willingness among Danish consumers to pay for certified timber products.
  • Economic assessment of ecosystem services in a Tropical Rainforest.
  • Cost-benefit analysis of the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive.
  • Assessing consumer acceptance of using insects as feed in food production.
  • Cost-benefit analysis of alternative renewable and non-renewable energy sources.
  • Using eyetracking technology to assess consumer preferences for environmentally friendly products.

Programme overview

The programme can be structured in different ways, depending on whether you write a thesis worth 30 or 45 ECTS and whether you start in September or February. Below, you will find course tables showing the study structure if you start in September or February with a thesis worth 45 ECTS.

See the full programme overview in the curriculum for MSc in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics >>

Example 1: Study Start September, Thesis 45 ECTS

Compulsory courses: 52.5 ECTS
Restricted elective courses: 7.5 ECTS
Elective courses: 15 ECTS
Master's thesis: 45 ECTS

One block each year equals nine weeks of study and 15 ECTS. The table is primarily for guidance and may be subject to revision.

Year 2

Block 1Block 2Block 3Block 4
Restricted elective courseThesis
Restricted elective course

Example 2: Study Start February, Thesis 45 ECTS

Compulsory courses: 52.5 ECTS
Restricted elective courses: 7.5 ECTS
Elective courses: 15 ECTS
Master's thesis: 45 ECTS

Study start in February is only for students with a reserved access to the programme. Read about reserved access here >>

One block each year equals nine weeks of study and 15 ECTS. The table is primarily for guidance and may be subject to revision.

Year 2

Block 3
Block 4
Block 1
Block 2
Economic Valuation Methods and Cost-Benefit AnalysisThesis
Elective course

Please note: The programme curriculum is for the current academic year. A revised curriculum for the coming academic year will follow.

Video: Clare and Maria talk about the study programme in Environment and Natural Ressource Economics

Career opportunities

The MSc programme in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics is a social science programme where you study economics, the environment, and natural resources in both a national and global context.

The recurring theme of the programme is how we make the most of the available resources in a sustainable way.

Graduates from the programme use economic theory and methodology on, for example, the sustainable management of a country's fossil fuel energy reserves and its involvement in international environmental agreements.

Competence Description

Upon graduation, you will – among other things – be able to:

  • Assess issues in respect of environmental and natural resources and economics and propose solutions based on theory on economic, political, social, and ethical interrelations. Your assessments are based on a solid understanding of natural science which is often crucial for sound management of environmental and natural resource problems.
  • Carry out quantitative and qualitative analyses of environmental and natural resource issues.


With the increasing global focus on sustainability, you will have excellent career opportunities. You will typically work with environmental and natural resource economic analyses, project and policy assessments, as well as management and development assignments.

Graduates often work in a multidisciplinary setting and with some degree of leadership or management. With your knowledge of both social and natural science, you become the link between different disciplines e.g., between economists and biologists, or developers and conservationists.

You may work in private companies, public institutions, or NGOs, both in Denmark and internationally; often in the green sector where the strong growth creates more and more interesting job opportunities for environmental and natural resource economists.

Recent graduates from the programme have for example found jobs in:

  • the secretariat of the Danish Economics Councils
  • the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities
  • Ørsted
  • the Danish Environmental Protection Agency
  • the Danish Energy Agency
  • Novo Nordisk
  • Coloplast
  • consulting engineering companies, such as COWI, Niras, and Rambøll
  • different offices of the European Commission and in the World Conservation Union.

Furthermore, many graduates have successfully pursued a career in research in Denmark or in other countries.

Student life

High quality education in English, a flexible study structure, excellent facilities, an international study environment, attractive and green campus areas, and the opportunity to experience life in Copenhagen, the cool capital of Denmark. These are some of the qualities about studying at Faculty of Science (SCIENCE) at University of Copenhagen that you can expect.

Throughout the year, various social activities are arranged for all SCIENCE students and for international students specifically. These activities include:

  • Introduction Days for new students 
  • A welcome programme for international students
  • International dinners, courses, and lectures
  • Sports activities such as fun runs or bicycle races
  • Career workshops

Students live in residence halls outside campus or share a flat in the Copenhagen area. You will find that the relatively small size of Copenhagen makes it easy to get around, even by bike.

Where Will I be Studying?

The Environmental and Natural Resource Economics programme is primarily based at Frederiksberg Campus.

The Frederiksberg Campus hosts part of the Faculty of Science and the veterinary area of Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences. It is located a few kilometres west of the city centre in beautiful green surroundings, and Frederiksberg is a popular residential area. The Gardens, which are part of the Frederiksberg Campus, are popular with both students and locals. In the summer months, you can drop by Café Væksthuset, which is located in an old greenhouse, for a cup of freshly brewed coffee and a delicious sandwich.

At campus, you can join student clubs and societies of a more or less academic nature. Regardless of whether you are interested in choral singing, sports, the theatre or a special academic subject, there is a club for you.

Here you will find some useful links and videos about student life and housing in Copenhagen, and the welcome programme for international students at Faculty of Science.

Video: Study Science at University of Copenhagen

Meet Elizabeth and Alex who study at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. See what it is like to live and study in Denmark.

Video: SCIENCE Welcome Programme

The SCIENCE Welcome Programme is a great way for international students to be introduced to the Faculty of Science at the University of Copenhagen.


Read interviews with students and graduates from the Master of Science programme (MSc) in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics:

Jan Graversen was doing a master’s degree in Environmental and Resource Management at the University of Southern Denmark in Esbjerg. But a girlfriend and the chance to study Environmental and Natural Resource Economics lured him to Copenhagen.

Why did you choose Environmental and Natural Resource Economics?

In upper secondary school, I was fascinated by both the natural and social sciences, and I was very interested in the links between the two. In relation to my studies, I found the economics courses really interesting – especially the link to the ecological perspective.

Environmental issues have interested me ever since my time in upper secondary school. It’s interesting because they affect all parts of society, and many disciplines work with it.

So I decided to do Environmental and Natural Resource Economics because it combines the natural and social sciences, even though the main focus is on economics.

Why did you choose the University of Copenhagen?

I wanted to move from Esbjerg, and my former girlfriend, an American, was due to come to Copenhagen to study for a semester at that time. 

And, of course, University of Copenhagen had the degree programme that I was interested in. It was either Aarhus or Copenhagen – but Aarhus University’s profile was a bit too agricultural for me. I wanted more of a focus on economics.

Has the degree programme in Copenhagen met your expectations?

Absolutely. It was a little more theoretical than I expected. But I really liked it. I just had to get used to all the mathematics. We looked at financial regulation and analysis in much greater depth than on the bachelor’s programme.

It’s an international programme. What do you think of the fact that all the classes are taught in English?

I studied for six months in Florida during my bachelor’s programme, so that worked wonders for my proficiency in English. You just have to get used to expressing yourself in English, and not being afraid to make mistakes. For many people, this takes some getting used to.

A lot of international students do not have English as their first language either. It’s important not to switch to Danish all the time, because that excludes the foreign students and stops them being integrated into the social life.

What options are there for studying abroad?

It’s possible to do a semester abroad. I spent six months at Cornell University in Ithaca, in New York state, and loved it.

Have you had a student job?

Yes. Many students on the programme have a job alongside their studies. It’s fairly easy to find one. I had a job with WWF as a student assistant. There are also lots of opportunities to get involved in social and academic activities. That sort of thing looks good on your CV later.

What opportunities does the master’s programme offer you?

Environmental economics gives you a better analytical toolset in relation to analysing the economic effects of projects and environmental regulation, and to drafting proposals for how to best implement regulation.

Where can you get a job?

I dream of working with environmental issues for an NGO. But other typical jobs are in government ministries, consultancy firms and special interest organisations. Some of my friends from the degree programme have taken a completely different direction and specialised in financing. I don’t know much about that, but it’s great that you can specialise.

Have any of your fellow students already got a job?

One of the international students has a job at the French embassy, where she works with agricultural policy. And some of my fellow students have also had student jobs with Ørsted, Ramboll or COWI, and have now landed full-time jobs there. The job prospects are generally good.

How would you sum up your experience of the degree programme?

Overall, it has been really good. Copenhagen is a great city for students, and there are a lot of wonderful people. It has a lot of great things to offer, but is not so large that you feel lost. You can easily find your way around. I love Copenhagen and especially the district of Vesterbro.

The profile and idea behind the degree programme are really interesting. There’s a lot of heavy-duty theory and mathematics on the first semester, which can make you feel slightly ‘disconnected from the real world’. But you soon come to appreciate the practical applicability of everything you’ve learned.

Frederik Møller Laugesen works with transport and energy solutions for COWI Consult in Lyngby.“It’s very exciting and challenging. The pace is faster than it was at the university, and the work is very varied, compared to being a research assistant,” he notes.

Why did you do your master’s degree in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics? 

I had a BSc degree in Natural Resources, so it was an obvious choice for me. What appealed to me about the programme was the combination of environment and economics. I like the careful argumentation of economics, and the environmental dimension makes it very meaningful. You also work with international issues, making it even more interesting. 

Did the master’s programme meet your expectations?  

Yes, definitely. The programme has been really good and informative. I did not do a semester abroad, but I did attend a summer course in Sussex in the UK. I did my master’s thesis on economics in relation to biogas production.

Did you have a student job during your studies? 

I worked as a student assistant at the Department of Food and Resource Economics for three years – and also as a student assistant at Ramboll. This was definitely a good thing to have in my CV when I started applying for jobs. It has been all-important.

Was it difficult to find a job? 

Not really. Right after finishing my studies, I was employed as a research assistant for six months – and then I joined COWI. I wanted to get out into the private sector and try something new. As a consultant, you are faced with many new challenges. I work with socio-economic analyses in the areas of climate, transport and energy. 

As an Environmental and Natural Resource Economics graduate, where do you typically get a job? 

We usually work in public institutions, financial institutions or consultancy firms. The salary is very similar to what you get in the public sector. We might be paid a bit more, but our breaks are unpaid. And my working week is 45 hours. This is quite normal in the industry.  

What is the job like? 

It’s very exciting and challenging. I have to bring new customers on board and also sell myself to my colleagues – in other words, I have to make myself attractive in relation to the projects they are working on. 

The pace is faster than it was at the university, and the work is very varied, compared to being a research assistant. Since we are involved in international projects, the job is very varied. If the opportunity arises, it would be fun to work abroad. 

Egle Zukauskaite comes from Lithuania. After studying economics for four years at the Vilnius University, she decided to go abroad to study for her master’s degree. “I found it a very liberal environment here, very equal and democratic,” says Egle.

Why did you choose this programme?

Back in Lithuania I worked for a year in a electricity company, and we focused very much on Lithuania becoming more sustainable in energy production and so on. So I thought I would like to relate my studies to this.

I wanted to take my masters abroad, and I didn’t want just a master in economics. I wanted more specific energy economics, environmental or resource economics.

Why did you choose Denmark?

That was because of my network and friends. They were either in Holland or in Denmark. And I knew that education here is for free for EU citizens, and that is a big advantage.

I’d heard about this programme in Denmark that was a bit more into science, and I thought, oh, it might be interesting to get more of a science perspective as well – not just the economic perspective. In Holland I couldn’t really find a master’s programme like that.

In what exactly are you specialising?

We don’t really specialise – only when we are taking electives or core courses. I have been focusing on management and entrepreneurship. I have all these compulsory courses in cost benefit analysis, economic relations, environmental policies … and in my electives I went more in the direction of business development, innovation, technology assessment and entrepreneurship courses. Focussing on how to innovate in this field.

Do you know what your thesis will be about?

Not yet. But I really want to relate it to innovation. . I would like to do the thesis with a start-up company or a growing company which is innovating something and sort of help them. It would be very good if it could be as practical as possible, and at the same time benefit a company which is innovative in this area and is developing at the moment. I don’t want to go to Maersk or Dong Energy and get some routine task. I want to be more involved.

Does the programme live up to your expectations?

When I came here, I found it a very liberal environment, very equal and democratic, I would say. The teachers are at the same level as the students, and you just call each other by name.

You have lots of opportunities to study here – either here at the university library or at the central library – and maybe that makes me want to study more. Because it feels like it’s your job, it’s your profession.

In terms of studies, it was pretty demanding at first. We had econometrics of which I knew very little from my background – quite complicated stuff. And that’s the first thing you meet when you come!

So I studied very hard and finally got a good grade, and I think I got the idea about econometrics … haha. So … one should be prepared that it’s quite a tough start on this programme.

How about your living conditions?

When we moved here, we were a bit challenged to find a place, because the prices are so high compared to what we are used to.

Now we have an apartment that we actually got through a class mate – we were very lucky. It’s a very good place in Vanløse and it’s very cheap. For a lot of students it’s not very easy – they have to change apartment every 6 months because they are subletting.

Do you have a student job?

It’s very expensive here, especially when you come from Lithuania and don’t have any savings. You just have to find a job straight away. I found work in a clothes store. It’s very well paid, actually. Now I’m only working weekends but in the beginning I was working 3-4 evenings a week.

What do you want to do?

I want to be an entrepreneur, initiating projects with starting companies.  Maybe as an independent consultant, maybe as an employee. I’m not that much into theoretical models and calculating things – I’m more like having the vision, understanding the concept, the situation etc. I’m interested in waste management – food waste and recycling, that’s my main interests.

Haein Lee took a chance when she pulled up her stakes and moved to Copenhagen to study Environmental and Natural Resource Economics. In Denmark, she has found the perfect combination of happiness, ambition, high academic standards and job-related courses which all bring her closer to her dream career: Working with environmental politics at the Danish government.

Environmental and Economic Interests Combined

In the heart of Copenhagen’s city center, surrounded by parked bikes in a rainbow of colours, we meet Haein Lee for a morning coffee at the local library. A ray of sun has found its way through the large windows illuminating the spot where she is sitting: "Denmark has changed my life" she says with a smile.

Although moving to a new country was challenging to begin with, Haein Lee does not regret for one moment that she chose Denmark and the Faculty of Science as her destination. She lived in Denmark two years before entering the MSc programme, and her learning experience has been quite different from what she was used to back home in Korea:

"It has been a great experience studying in Denmark, but it was tough to begin with. I had to get used to the Scandinavian block structure, the long hours in class and the vast amount of reading material."

Haein Lee always had a great interest in environmental issues and a strong wish to pursue a career within environmental sciences. The MSc programme at University of Copenhagen was unique because she could combine her degree in Economics from Korea with her interest in Natural Resources and Sustainability:

"I was interested in environment, and wanted it to be related to economics. So in that sense, it was the perfect programme for me. I was ready to try something new."

Real Life Cases – A Glimpse Of the Future

One of the things that Haein Lee likes most is the close connection between the programme and the job market which is reflected through the many exercise hours incorporated in the courses. These practical elements give her the opportunity to apply her knowledge to real life cases – something she has been searching for as a student. At University of Copenhagen, there is a lot of emphasis on working with different companies’ environmental cases and policies throughout the programme:

"In Korea, we learn advanced mathematics, but students do not really know how to utilize this knowledge in real life. Here, it sometimes feels simple, but that is important as well – knowing how to use your knowledge in a simple matter. It is really nice to learn that there can be a different approach to teaching and learning”.

Moreover, her experience is that the Danish teaching environment gives her a realistic picture of her future work-life as the students are encouraged to use their competencies early on in their studies:

"During the programme, we will, among other things, have the course "Introduction to Consultancy". Here, we will work on environmental and economic case studies with either companies, organizations, research institutes or the government. When dealing with these cases, we have to understand how to assess the different policies and regulations on environment, and how we can create policies which will bring us closer to our environmental goals." she tells us enthusiastically.

“It is really nice to learn that there can be a different approach to teaching and learning” says Haein Lee.

Flat Structure Fosters Learning

Danish universities are often known for their flat structure and small distance between students and professors.

“I am not afraid of asking questions anymore. If there is anything I am in doubt about, I can simply ask the professor. In Korea, I would have gone home and tried to figure it out myself. But by asking questions immediately during class, I can check up on what I am curious about, and sometimes, these questions lead me to some extra information which is really important in order for me to truly connect with what I have read in the material.” “The students here are very focused on their studies. But instead of competing against each other, they cooperate. It creates an atmosphere where people can be ambitious without feeling hyper tensioned.”

Hard As A Coconut – Soft As A Peach

Often, international students worry that Danes might seem too cold and difficult to get to know. Haein Lee recognizes the thought, but explains that northern Europeans can be compared with coconuts – they are difficult to get through at first, but once you get to know them, you have a friend for life:

"Someone told me about the Coconut Theory where he compared northern Europeans, specifically Danes, with coconuts, and southern European people with peaches.

With peaches, you can get through the flesh very easily, but once you get to the core, you cannot go inside of it. It is a hard core which is only allowed for very close people. They easily become friends with strangers, they are very friendly, warm, and welcoming to other people, but once you get to that core, you are not allowed to go any further.

Coconuts on the other hand have a very hard shell, but if you knock on it many times with the right tools, you can get through. And once you get through, you can just go all the way through – even to the core."

Career Opportunities in Denmark

For Haein Lee, several things have made her want to stay in Denmark after her graduation, including the Danish work-life balance, the job opportunities within environmental sciences, and the content atmosphere:

"My dream at the moment would be to work at the government with their environmental policies. I am interested in the regulation side of it: to create good regulations for the market failure, and choose the environmental and economic goals at the same time. It may sound idealistic, but that is what I want to do."

However, Haein Lee’s motivation for studying and learning more has also increased during her MSc programme. This has made her consider applying for a PhD at the faculty:

"So far, I have enjoyed studying, which I did not expect. I worked for 12 years before I entered the MSc programme. When you have a job, you use your knowledge. With education, you use dedicated hours to add up new knowledge. I really enjoy this learning experience I have had during my MSc programme, and therefore, I am considering applying for a PhD."

Finally, it is not only the career opportunities that make Haein Lee want to stay in Denmark. She is also attracted to the Danish view on life:

"People here are content. They find happiness from small things. If the sun is shining and the weather is beautiful, they go for a walk in the nature, and that makes them happy. And I actually enjoy that very much."

Choosing University of Copenhagen

Haein Lee is not in doubt when it comes to recommending the University of Copenhagen to other international students:

“The teachers are enthusiastic, they care about the students, we have a very close connection with the professors, and the programme is well structured. I also really like the facilities”.

Although it can be difficult to move to a new country, and get used to a different way of studying, Haein Lee feels it all pays off in the end:

“In the beginning it was stressful, but now, I feel like my courses are all closely related, and when combined, they make sense. The knowledge I have gained here is not isolated, it is applicable. I feel that the MSc programme has widened my opportunities. ”The teachers are enthusiastic, they care about the students, we have a very close connection with the professors, and the programme is well structured." - Haein Lee, MSc student in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

Contact student guidance

Contact SCIENCE Student Service

Do you have questions about the programme structure, study or career opportunities, admission requirements or application procedure, please feel free to contact SCIENCE Student Services.

Contact SCIENCE Student Services


  • Faculty of Science, Frederiksberg Campus, Rolighedsvej 23, DK-1958 Frederiksberg.

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