About the programme

Resources on earth are scarce and the needs plentiful. As an MSc student of Agricultural Economics, you acquire methods and tools that can help tackle these challenges. You will work with economics and policy in an international perspective with a emphasis on food, agribusiness, environment, and development. You learn about the way economic incentives can regulate the consumption and production of food. The programme is offered in English.

Admission and application

To apply for admission to this master's degree programme, you must have completed, or expect to complete, a qualifying bachelor’s degree or a similar Danish or international degree programme which is assessed to be relevant. Apply for admission via the application portal.

Below, you can read more about admission requirements and which documents to upload in the application portal. 

Academic admission requirements

Here you'll find the different academic requirements depending on which qualifying degree you hold.

With a Bachelor's degree in

  • Agricultural Economics (jordbrugsøkonomi) / Environmental and Food Economics (miljø- og fødevareøkonomi) from University of Copenhagen

you are granted legal right of admission and guaranteed a place on the Master’s programme in Agricultural Economics if you apply in time to begin within 3 years of the completion of your Bachelor’s degree.

Learn about when and how to apply

You meet all academic requirements if you hold one of the degrees listed below. Learn about when and how to apply. Note, however, that you still need to document that you meet the programme's language requirements.

  • Agricultural Economics (jordbrugsøkonomi) / Environmental and Food Economics (miljø- og fødevareøkonomi) from the University of Copenhagen (note, that if you apply in time to begin within 3 years of the completion of your Bachelor’s degree, you have legal right of admission to the Master's programme)
  • Economics (økonomi) from University of Copenhagen, University of Southern Denmark or Aarhus University
  • Mathematics-Economics (matematik-økonomi) from University of Copenhagen or Aarhus University
  • Computer Science and Economics (datalogi-økonomi) from University of Copenhagen

Check which master’s programmes at UCPH your bachelor programme is pre-approved for admission - only available in Danish

If you have a Bachelor’s degree other than those listed above, you must submit additional documentation along with your application so we can evaluate whether or not you meet the admission requirements. Learn about when and how to apply.

If you have a Bachelor’s degree, Professional Bachelor's degree or equivalent from Danish or international universities you are qualified for admission if your programme includes the following:

  • Courses in economics corresponding to at least 37.5 ECTS credits, subject to the following distribution constraints:
    • A minimum of 22.5 ECTS credits within micro economics
    • A minimum of 7.5 ECTS credits within macro economics
  • Courses in statistics corresponding to at least 7.5 ECTS credits
  • Courses in econometrics corresponding to at least 7.5 ECTS credits
  • Courses in mathematics corresponding to at least 7.5 ECTS credits

If you have a Bachelor's degree in Natural Resources with the specialisation in Environmental Economics from University of Copenhagen you are qualified for admission if your programme includes the following:

We may also admit applicants who, after an individual academic assessment, are deemed to possess educational qualifications equivalent to those required above.

Qualifying degree and other courses/projects

When we assess whether you meet the admission requirements for the Master's degree program, Danish legislation only allows us to assess your Bachelor's degree. Consequently, you cannot study supplementary courses between Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in order to meet the admission requirements.

If you have passed courses/projects before you complete the qualifying Bachelor's degree, these can be included in the assessment, even though they are not part of the Bachelor's degree program.

  • It applies to courses/projects you have taken as single subjects and courses/projects you have taken as part of another study program.
  • A maximum of 30 ECTS credits of these courses/projects may be included.

If you only need the necessary ECTS credits in the field of econometrics to meet the admission requirement, you can be granted conditional admission. If you have been granted conditional admission, you must pass an approved econometrics course of at least 7.5 ECTS credits prior to your studies begin. The summer course Introduction in Econometrics has been approved. You must register for the course yourself.

You can apply to have another econometrics course approved by writing to studentservices@science.ku.dk. In the email, you write the name of the Master's programme you want to apply for and write that you wish to apply to have another econometrics course approved in addition to an application for the Master's programme. Also, state when you plan on taking the course, and attach a course description.

International Bachelor’s degree

You can only get an answer to whether or not your degree meets the admission requirement by applying for admission to the MSc Programme. Only the admission committee can evaluate whether you are qualified or not and they only do this once they have received your application.

Bachelor’s degree from Denmark

You are entitled to 1 pre-assessment for 1 study programme, where, based on an assessment of the documentation you have submitted, we will inform you whether you meet the admission requirements.

This is a service offered by SCIENCE, but it is not a service you have to make use of in order for you to apply for admission.

Read about pre-assessment

Language requirements

Unless you have a legal right of admission to the programme you are applying for, you are required to document proficiency in English.

See language requirements

Application deadlines

Study start in September

1 March at 23:59

Application deadline for Danish applicants and applicants from within the EU, EEA and Switzerland.
Open for applications from 16 January. You will receive a reply by 10 June.

15 January at 23:59

Application deadline for applicants from outside the EU, EEA and Switzerland.
Open for applications from 15 November. You will receive a reply by 1 May.

Study start in February (legal right of admission only)

15 October at 23:59

Application deadline for Danish applicants and applicants from within the EU, EEA and Switzerland.
Open for applications from 15 August. You will receive a reply by 10 December.

1 September at 23:59

Application deadline for applicants from outside the EU, EEA and Switzerland.
Open for applications from 15 July. You will receive a reply by 1 December. 

How to apply

Choose the category below that fits you and read more about how to apply for admission. You will also find information about application deadlines and documentation on the websites.

Citizen in a country outside EU, EEA or Switzerland

Bachelor’s degree from Denmark

International bachelor’s degree

Prioritisation of applicants

If the number of qualified applicants to the programme exceeds the number of places available, applicants will be prioritised according to the following criteria:

  • Total number of ECTS credits in relevant courses (micro economics, macroeconomics, international economics, agricultural economics, environmental- or resource economics, statistics, econometrics, mathematics)

Limitation on second degrees

If you have already completed a Master's degree, please check out the rules concerning a second degree.

Admission statistics Agricultural Economics 2023
Admitted 19
Admission distribution (legal right/other) 75% / 25%
Applicants 57
Age average 24
Legal gender distribution (cpr. - m/f) 47% / 53%
Nationality (dk/international) 74% / 26%
Available spots No

Programme structure

During the MSc programme in Agricultural Economics you receive instruction in the form of lectures, seminars, practical, and theoretical exercises. There will also be a good deal of project work. You will be working both independently and in project groups.

In your first year of study, you follow two compulsory and two elective courses, as well as a number of restricted elective courses at gradually higher academic levels.

With the elective and restricted elective courses you can personalise your study programme. You can, for example, follow courses offered at the Faculty of Science, at other faculties at the University of Copenhagen, or at Copenhagen Business School.

Do a Project in Practice or Study Abroad

You can use some of your elective courses to do a Project in Practice in collaboration with a company or an organisation. You can also choose to study abroad as part of your programme. Read more here:

Master's Thesis

You complete your MSc programme by writing a thesis, which is a large scientific project worth 30 ECTS, corresponding to six months of teaching. You can write your thesis on your own or in a group.

The thesis is often based on a specific problem, for instance a task on which a research institution or company is working. Examples of theme projects and theses are:

  • Estimating Abatement Costs of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Danish Agricultural Sector using Non-parametric Efficiency Analysis.
  • Changes in Purchasing Patterns in connection with Low VAT on Selected Foods.
  • The Economic Impact of the Tariff Barriers on Sugar Beet Producers in the EU and the Developing Countries.
  • The Effect of a Strategic and Managerial Focus on Productivity among Danish Farmers.

Upon completion of the programme you gain the title Master of Science (MSc) in Agricultural Economics (in Danish: cand.oecon.agro.).

Programme Overview

The programme can be structured in two ways, depending on whether you start your studies in September or February:

Course table, Study Start in September

Compulsory courses: 15 ECTS
Restricted elective courses: 60 ECTS
Elective courses: 15 ECTS
Thesis: 30 ECTS

One block each year equals nine weeks of study and 15 ECTS. The table is primarily for guidance and may be subject to revision.

Year 1

Block 1Block 2Block 3Block 4
Applied EconometricsRestricted elective courseIncentives and RegulationRestricted elective course
Restricted elective courseRestricted elective courseRestricted elective courseRestricted elective course

Year 2

Block 1Block 2Block 3Block 4
Restricted elective courseRestricted elective courseThesis
Elective courseElective course

Course table, Study Start in February

Compulsory courses: 15 ECTS
Restricted elective courses: 60 ECTS
Elective courses: 15 ECTS
Thesis: 30 ECTS

Study start in February is only for students with a reserved access to the programme. Read about reserved access here >>

One block each year equals nine weeks of study and 15 ECTS. The table is primarily for guidance and may be subject to revision.

Year 1

Block 3Block 4
Block 1
Block 2
Incentives and RegulationRestricted elective courseApplied EconometricsRestricted elective course
Restricted elective courseRestricted elective courseRestricted elective courseRestricted elective course

Year 2

Block 3Block 4
Block 1
Block 2
Restricted elective courseRestricted elective courseThesis
Elective courseElective course

Please note: The programme curriculum is for the current academic year. A revised curriculum for the coming academic year will follow.

Video: Frida and Davide talk about their studies in Agricultural Economics.

Career opportunities

Graduates in Agricultural Economics are sought after by business and industry, and it will be easy to get a study-related job in public and private organisations. You may also get an internship, for instance with an embassy abroad, where you get the opportunity to test and challenge your knowledge and skills.  

Agricultural Economics is a social science programme that focuses on problem-solving economic methods and tools. You can assess agribusiness economics, as well as international, environmental, and development economics issues and decision-making processes.

You can work with legislation and relevant institutions, and you will be able to analyse interdisciplinary topics from an economic angle. At the same time, you are able to communicate academic issues and solutions to peers and the public.

You acquire in-depth knowledge about the economic policy landscape. In addition, you are provided with the necessary tools to analyse and advise on international economics, environmental, and development or industrial economics from a food policy perspective. During your studies, you will come across both national and global issues.

Competence Description

As a graduate you are, among other things, also able to:

  • apply economic methods and principles to solve current problems and issues
  • explain how changes in the EU and world trade affect the everyday lives of households
  • apply your insight into how economic incentives can regulate consumption and production
  • handle work and development situations that are complex, unpredictable, and require new solution models in the private and public sectors – both nationally and internationally.


With an MSc degree in Agricultural Economics, you may find employment with various institutions and companies in Denmark as well as internationally. You may, for example, be hired by:

  • banks and financial institutions or international organisations such as the EU and OECD
  • ministries (e.g. the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries) and government agencies (e.g. the Danish Environmental Protection Agency), where you can contribute to establishing the basis for the policy in the food and environmental area
  • central agricultural organisations and companies
  • economic consultancies and advisory services.

Student life

High quality education in English, a flexible study structure, excellent facilities, an international study environment, attractive and green campus areas, and the opportunity to experience life in Copenhagen, the cool capital of Denmark. These are some of the qualities about studying at Faculty of Science (SCIENCE) at University of Copenhagen that you can expect.

Throughout the year, various social activities are arranged for all SCIENCE students and for international students specifically. These activities include:

  • Introduction Days for new students 
  • A welcome programme for international students
  • International dinners, courses, and lectures
  • Sports activities such as fun runs or bicycle races
  • Career workshops

Students live in residence halls outside campus or share a flat in the Copenhagen area. You will find that the relatively small size of Copenhagen makes it easy to get around, even by bike.

Where Will I be Studying?

The Agricultural Economics programme is primarily based at Frederiksberg Campus.

The Frederiksberg Campus hosts part of the Faculty of Science and the veterinary area of Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences. It is located a few kilometres west of the city centre in beautiful green surroundings, and Frederiksberg is a popular residential area. The Gardens, which are part of the Frederiksberg Campus, are popular with both students and locals. In the summer months, you can drop by Café Væksthuset, which is located in an old greenhouse, for a cup of freshly brewed coffee and a delicious sandwich.

At campus, you can join student clubs and societies of a more or less academic nature. Regardless of whether you are interested in choral singing, sports, the theatre or a special academic subject, there is a club for you.

Here you will find some useful links and videos about student life and housing in Copenhagen, and the welcome programme for international students at Faculty of Science.

Video: Study Science at University of Copenhagen

Meet Elizabeth and Alex who study at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. See what it is like to live and study in Denmark.

Video: SCIENCE Welcome Programme

The SCIENCE Welcome Programme is a great way for international students to be introduced to the Faculty of Science at the University of Copenhagen.


Read interviews with students and graduates from the Master of Science programme (MSc) in Agricultural Economics:

Christian Vanggaard is doing an MSc in Agricultural Economics. Even though he won’t finish his studies until the summer, he’s already going to job interviews to find the most interesting job. Agricultural Economics graduates are highly sought after in the labour market, and there is virtually no unemployment.

“I chose to study Agricultural Economics for several reasons. Firstly, there’s a lot of freedom to specialise in the area you are passionate about. It’s also possible to take courses on other degree programmes.

For example, I have taken courses on the Economics programme. On the Agricultural Economics programme you can choose to do an internship in a company. I chose the Danish Agriculture and Food Council, which is an interest organisation, and which has given me some very valuable practical experience.

I think it’s great that it’s a small, intense degree programme with small classes, where the lecturers really engage with the students. You feel that you can influence things, and are seen and heard. There’s also room for change. If you want to change something, it’s possible to do so. There is generally a good, open dialogue, and you can get a lot of academic input on assignments and projects.

Favourite Subject and Financial Competences

My favourite subject is Industrial Organisation. You learn about competition between companies, cartels and what impact company mergers have on the market. Sometimes a representative from Danish Business Authority or a company comes and talks about the things we are learning on the course. 

We’ve done projects based on theory, which we then apply to a real-life case. For example, we might look at how making many product variants impacts the market – e.g. iPhones in multiple colours.  

In relation to competences, I like the fact that we acquire a wide range of financial tools that can be used in most companies. For example, I can analyse the US stock exchange and spot opportunities for trade with other countries.

I can also ‘dissect’ any Danish or foreign food company to identify their strengths and weaknesses: where they make money, where they don’t, and how they could do so.

What Is Difficult?

You do a very intensive course on economic modelling at the beginning on how to analyse large datasets. This could be data collected over a 20-year period, where you have to make a meaningful model to say something about changes in property prices in a given area in relation to wage levels. This can be difficult given the many different parameters involved. But the course provides solid background knowledge that you can build on and use later on.

I’ve already started going to job interviews, and I get the feeling that employers are really interested in agricultural economists, because we think differently to traditional economists. We are good at analysing and developing new practical solutions in grid-locked situations.

Strong Sense of Community

The study environment is really good. There are many academic associations holding Friday bars and organising inspirational academic trips. For example, there’s an economics group that regularly organises visits to the Danish Tax Authority, the Ministry of Finance and other relevant organisations to hear some good presentations, and perhaps go out for supper afterwards. Good friends and a strong sense of community have helped carry me through my studies.

Career Opportunities

I know for a certainty that I’ll get a job when I’m finished. I want to work with buying and selling. For example, as an economist in a company that buys raw materials abroad and sells them Fairtrade in Denmark.

It could also be a position that combines commodity and stock trading with budget control. I’ve also thought about working as an economic consultant in a third-world country, but that will not be my first job.

I would recommend Agricultural Economics to anyone who wants to do an economics degree programme that links theory with practical work. You gain tools and learn theories that are needed in the corporate sector – and there is virtually no unemployment.  As a graduate, you can sail straight into a job with a company.

Since this interview, Christian has graduated and now works as a self-employed farmer.

When we meet Lena Mubako, she has just handed in her thesis, hoping to defend it as soon as possible, because she’s expecting a child.

I actually started my Master's in Ukraine. In the second semester of my Master's, I went on an internship to Denmark and that is how I and ended up staying in Denmark and studying at University of Copenhagen (UCPH). I didn’t want to go back and finish my Master’s in Ukraine, because the programme there wouldn’t give me the same knowledge I could gain here.

I moved to Copenhagen where I had to start from scratch. I had to take four supplementary courses. The courses were spread over a long period of time, so it took me almost two years.

Was Agricultural Economics the obvious way to go?

I knew I wanted to continue more or less in management or economics, so I chose the most interesting one.

Agricultural Economics was something new, but I found it interesting, and it just matched things, I already knew about. I specialised in International Economics and Development in particular, because I am interested in economic issues in developing countries.

How would you describe the programme?

This MSc programme is a two year programme where you take some compulsory courses but you also have elective courses where you choose subjects which are more oriented towards your interests.

For my specialisation, I chose International Economics and Development. Two of the compulsory courses are Applied Econometrics and Trade and International Cooperation. In addition to those you have a long list of courses you have to choose from.

I decided to take some courses, which are more related to business, including one which focused on EU regulations and standards, and another course which were held at Copenhagen Business School – it was an elective course where you can choose to go to one of the other faculties or you can go abroad.

Furthermore, I also did a course called Project in Practice where you can go abroad and have a very short internship. I spent four months in Zimbabwe Southern African Research and Documentation Center.

What was your thesis about?

I was investigating how increasing trade between Asia and Africa influenced the EU. My focus was one single country, Zimbabwe: how Chinese exports into Zimbabwe displace EU exports.

I was using an econometric model to do some estimates – to do quantitative analysis. I found that in the case of Zimbabwe, China has displaced EU. In manufacturing there was a huge displacement. I also wanted to include the political economy because Zimbabwe has had very chaotic political relations with the West for a decade, which is the explanation why the displacement happened. It’s very interesting.

What differs most from the your university in Ukraine?

It’s a completely different experience. In Ukraine, we focus more on memorizing things, while here you focus more on the analysis. Here you have to actually think a lot ... (laughs). And now I have kind of both – I’ve learned how to memorize things and how to analyse things.

And then of course you have group work here. In Ukraine you do everything on your own most of the time. While here most of the projects I’ve been doing during my courses, I have done in groups. So we are three or four people, we gather information, we discuss it, we decide what to write and then of course you sit down and write yourself.

How do you find being an international student in Copenhagen?

First of all everyone speaks English. You can communicate with everyone on the streets, in the shops and also here at the university.

I know that many international students are complaining about Danish people. That they are kind of closed and that it’s very difficult to get Danish friends. I can see that – but I also understand that, because if we have international students in Ukraine, it would be the same. It’s normal. You have your network already in the place where you grow up.

But during my studies I’ve met a few Danes and we are still in contact and I have become good friends with a few of them. They a very open-minded, keen to meet new people, and they have travelled a lot. I think it depends on who you meet.

Would you recommend the University to other internationals?

Definitely. It’s a great place to study, they have quite a few internationals and they have provided all the facilities for international students so they can feel comfortable here. I think Denmark and Copenhagen in particular is a good place for students. I found it … well, it’s not easy, but I can’t say it’s difficult to be an international student here.

What about accommodation?

It’s especially difficult to find accommodation in August and February. And it’s also quite expensive. People coming from Eastern Europe always complain about prices and that it’s expensive to rent an apartment.

So you need a student job. And a student job not only means money, it also provides an experience, especially if you find something that is relevant to your studies.

What kind of jobs can you get now when you have graduated?

There is actually a quite broad range of opportunities because my programme focuses quite a lot on analysing policies and solving problems. I could work both in the private and public sectors or, for instance, in international financial institutions like the EU, UN, the World Bank or OECD.

If we are talking about Denmark and the public sector here, then of course you have to speak Danish, but even if you haven’t learned Danish, there are so many international companies here dealing with agriculture and the food sector. It can also be banks. Many of the students who graduated from this programme work in consultancies which I guess is more business-oriented.

I would like to work with food security in developing countries. The UN has what they call a World Food Programme and that would be my first choice, because they deal with development and food security. Or it could be a job in an NGO.

Lena has graduated and now works as a Financial Analyst at A.P. Moller - Maersk.

Mikael Strandbygaard holds an MSc in Agricultural Economics and currently works for the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority. Mikael grew up on a farm and has always been interested in agriculture. “Agricultural Economics is a degree programme with a relatively small student intake. There’s a strong sense of togetherness, and job prospects are good,” Mikael explains.

What is your background?

After completing upper secondary school, I had a gap year. I started the bachelor’s programme in Agricultural Economics in 2005, and then did my master’s degree. I graduated in 2011. Alongside my studies, I had a student job with the Danish Agriculture and Food Council, where I worked for almost four years. After graduating, I continued to work for the Danish Agriculture and Food Council until landing a job with the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority in January 2012.

Why did you choose to study Agricultural Economics?

I grew up in the country, so I’ve always been interested in agriculture and the food sector. I was unsure, and thought about doing Mathematics-Economics or Political Science, but chose Agricultural Economics in the end because it’s a mix of economics and politics, which I found interesting. I have a cousin who studied Agricultural Economics, so I knew about the programme.

What is the focus of the programme?

It’s an economics programme, but with a more practical focus than the Economics programme. In addition to the economics element, there’s a political focus on things like the EU’s agricultural policy and development economics. The programme is aimed at the food sector in general, and there are good opportunities for choosing a master’s programme to match your interests. It’s a fairly practical programme that focuses greatly on industrial economics, and as a student you get to work on cases looking at the pressure that farmers are under, or current negotiations on the EU’s agricultural policy.

What was your thesis about?

I wrote about the relationship between changes in the prices of groceries over time and the prices of the suppliers’ products. The correlation between this and market consolidation among suppliers and retailers, where I looked specifically at Arla and Danish Crown.

What do you do in your current job?

I work at the Retail, Industry, Primary Sector and Health Division. The authority’s primary focus is to enforce competition law and ensure well-functioning markets. For example, the Danish Competition Act prohibits individual companies from misusing a dominant position on the market. So we must make sure they don’t.

The authority may also look at anti-competitive agreements, such as cartels in the building sector, which the media has written a lot about, or it may have to decide whether a merger limits effective competition in the markets.

What are your duties?

Basically to ensure well-functioning markets, in which consumers are guaranteed a broad selection of products and services without paying excessively. I spend some time processing competition cases, and some time doing major analyses of the competitive conditions in selected markets. We analyse prices and look for signs of irregularities and non-compliance with legislation. For example, we analyse the potential impacts of changing the Danish Planning Act, which determines how large retail stores may be.

Public-sector services for ministers is also a major part of my job. One thing that makes the work really interesting is the chance to influence the political agenda.

Have you felt properly equipped for the labour market?

Yes, the degree programme has been very relevant. It gives you a good understanding of the sectors I work with. The whole economics mindset is very useful when you have to understand a market.

Like the programme, my job has an international angle. We’re involved in European networks, looking at things like the EU’s agricultural policy from a competition viewpoint, as well as the relationship between the grocery chains and their suppliers.

This is interesting because the market is dominated by a small number of players with large market shares. This can make life difficult for small suppliers, which limits variety. So we seek to support initiatives to ensure that trade and competition between grocery chains and their suppliers work efficiently.

As a graduate, are there qualifications you feel you lacked?

No, I feel we’re pretty well-equipped. Partly because I had student jobs that dovetailed with the programme. Most students do, which is a really good thing. A lot of things are different in the labour market to at university. Deadlines are often tighter, and there’s less time for contemplation.

The programme in Agricultural Economics offers elective subjects in law, such as EU legislation, which can be very useful, so you are better prepared for a workplace like the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority, where legislation is major element. However, we leave the major legal issues to the lawyers. Throughout the degree programme it is also possible to do courses on other programmes, such as economics.

What is the job situation?

It’s excellent. There were around 6-7 of us in my year, and I don’t think any of my fellow students are unemployed.

What job opportunities exist?

Many are employed in the financial sector and in mortgage credit institutions. Others work for the Ministry of Environment and Food or the Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs. The programme targets the public sector and domestic and international organisations, so there are many opportunities.

Would you recommend the programme to others?

Yes, definitely. If you think the mix of economics and politics is interesting, then definitely. There’s a good study environment, because the degree programme has a small intake, and everyone knows each other. The downside is that there may be years where the range of courses offered is not completely matched to your interests. But in general, it’s an advantage.

The programme works really well socially. You have practical exercises and a relatively large number of hours of classroom instruction. So, there’s a sense of togetherness – both within and between year groups.

Mikael now works at Danish Agriculture and Food Council as a Senior Consultant.

A pound of minced beef for one pound. When supermarkets make specials like that, something has had to give. It could be the profit of the supermarket, but often it is animal welfare. Many consumers know this, but that does not stop them from buying this week’s special. Agricultural Economics is about understanding such mechanisms and creating economic analysis’ which can be the basis of alternative policies on such issues.

Four wheel drives or starving children in developing countries? Dilemmas like this should not exist, but they do. Should industrialised countries produce biofuels based on crops to ensure that people can continue to drive four wheel drives or should the crop production be focused on feeding the starving children in developing countries instead?

Often economic considerations and incentives can give you the answer and these perspectives on her studies in Agricultural Economics are strong motivating factors for Juliet. But on a scientific level, Juliet is fascinated by studies in crop biotechnology:

“For instance, crop biotechnology can positively influence the production of food in the developing countries which again influence food prices on the world market", Juliet says.

Her example illustrates the complexity of a globalised world. If farmers in developing countries can produce longer crops which can produce more food, then developing countries will not have to buy food produced in industrialised countries. Naturally, the more self-sufficient developing countries can become, the lower the prices on food products will be on the world market. The economic, social and political consequences of this are significant – for the developing as well as industrialised countries.

After half a year of studies at University of Copenhagen, Juliet feels that her expectations to the programme have been meet. She finds that the research based teaching is of high quality and that the programme offers hands-on experience through excursions and real life cases.

An extraordinary feature of the university is group work in which students from all over the world collaborates on real life cases. Juliet believes that this way of solving problems result in intercultural understanding and great collaboration skills, which can be applied in your future professional career. Sure, Juliet says, group work can also be challenging, frustrating and a lot of hard work, but generally, it is a great study method.

Another great thing is the close student-professor relationship which is informal and allows students to participate in discussions with the professor.

Many International Students

Many of the students in Juliet’s classes are from countries around the world. Mostly, she is doing group work or socialising with fellow international students – but this is only natural, as all international degree students at the Faculty have met for the International Graduate Orientation programme for a whole month in August prior to semester start.

The introductory course makes it possible to make friends with other international students, get settled at the university, in Copenhagen, and in Denmark, so you get to know your way around – physically as well as in the Danish culture and language.

“I’ve experienced that, at first, Danes can seem a bit reserved, but once you get to know them, they are very nice and helpful”, Juliet says.

Hands-on Experience

Juliet feels confident that the hands-on experience she gets through the Agricultural Economics programme will make it possible for her to work on a farm upon graduation, but she is also considering pursuing a PhD at University of Copenhagen.

She is still undecided, but she knows that she would definitely like to stay in Denmark.

Juliet stayed in Denmark, did a PhD in Agricultural Economics, and now works as a Project Portfolio Lead at Novozymes.

Contact student guidance

Contact SCIENCE Student Service

Do you have questions about the programme structure, study or career opportunities, admission requirements or application procedure, please feel free to contact SCIENCE Student Services.

Contact SCIENCE Student Services


  • Faculty of Science, Frederiksberg Campus, Thorvaldsensvej 40, DK-1871 Frederiksberg.

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