

Pre-assessment is only available for applicants from Danish universities or university colleges.

If you do not have a bachelor’s degree that qualifies you for direct admission to the master’s programme, you can apply for an assessment of your educational background to see if it is similar to the requirements for admission to the master’s programme.

As an applicant from a Danish university or university college, you are entitled to 1 pre-assessment for 1 study programme. We will inform you whether you meet the admission requirements, based on an assessment made of the documentation you have submitted. You will be assessed on the basis of only 1 qualifying study programme. This is typically a bachelor’s programme or a professional bachelor’s degree programme.

Pre-assessment is a service offered by the Faculty of SCIENCE, but it is not mandatory for you to apply for admission afterwards.

You cannot ask for a pre-assessment if your bachelor’s degree already qualifies you for direct admission to the master’s programme to which you want to apply.

The pre-assessment is not a promise of admission

This means that even if you are assessed as qualified for admission, you are not guaranteed a place on the study programme.

You must apply for admission and have your application assessed similarly to all other applicants. Your chance of being offered admission will depend on the number of other qualified applicants in the same year compared to how many available spots the MSc programme offers.

The deadlines for pre-assessment application are:

Deadline for applicationReply to your application
1 JanuaryNo later than 1 March
1 AprilNo later than 1 June
1 JulyNo later than 1 September
1 OctoberNo later than 1 December

Use the online form:

Apply for pre-assessment for a master’s programme

Your application must include the following attachments:

  • Transcript of grades from a relevant higher education programme at bachelor level. The transcript must contain courses, grades and ECTS credits (alternatively credits, points, number of lessons etc.). The transcript must be signed and stamped by the institution. If your transcript does not include the stamp and signature, we must be able to verify the transcript online via a link, QR code, digital signature or similar.
  • A self-assessment in which you write which of your courses you think meets the academic admission requirements for the master’s programme you want to apply for. Remember to include both courses/projects that you have already done and courses you are planning to do before the study start of the master’s programme. Download the relevant study's pre-assessment form.

We recommend that your application include the following attachments:

  • Course descriptions for courses/projects where the title does not clearly convey the course/project contents. If in doubt: attach the course description.
  • If relevant, a list of any courses/projects that you are planning to take before starting the master’s programme.

We assess your application with reference to the admission requirements in the current curriculum.

If we assess that you meet the admission requirements

You will receive a result of your pre-assessment where we confirm that you meet the admission requirements regarding to the current curriculum.

If we assess that you do not meet the admission requirements

You will receive a result of your pre-assessment where we describe the assessment conclusion of which subject areas in which you do not meet the admission requirements.