About the programme

Geology is the science of the origins, composition, and evolution of the Earth over 5 billion years, and the processes that change the Earth and form the foundation for our existence. Geology-Geoscience is a research- and field-based MSc programme concerned with geological materials, processes, and structures, as well as the study of Earth's history and of life on Earth. The programme is offered in English.

Admission and application

To apply for admission to this master's degree programme, you must have completed a qualifying bachelor’s degree or a similar Danish or international degree programme which is assessed to be relevant. Apply for admission via the application portal.

Below, you can read more about admission requirements and which documents to upload in the application portal. 

Academic admission requirements

Here you'll find the different academic requirements depending on which qualifying degree you hold.

With a Bachelor's degree in

  • Geology-Geoscience from University of Copenhagen

you are granted legal right of admission and guaranteed a place on the Master’s programme in Geology-Geoscience if you apply in time to begin within 3 years of the completion of your Bachelor’s degree.

Learn about when and how to apply

You meet all academic requirements if you hold one of the degrees listed below. Learn about when and how to apply. Note, however, that you still need to document that you meet the programme's language requirements.

  • Geology-Geoscience from University of Copenhagen (note, that if you apply in time to begin within 3 years of the completion of your Bachelor’s degree, you have legal right of admission to the Master's programme)

Check which master’s programmes at UCPH your bachelor programme is pre-approved for admission - only available in Danish

If you have a Bachelor’s degree other than those listed above, you must submit additional documentation along with your application so we can evaluate whether or not you meet the admission requirements. Learn about when and how to apply.

If you have a Bachelor's degree, Professional Bachelor's degree or equivalent from Danish or international universities you are qualified for admission if your programme includes the following:

  • Subject elements on bachelor's level within the academic field of geology-geoscience, 60 ECTS credits.

We may also admit applicants who, after an individual academic assessment, are deemed to possess educational qualifications equivalent to those required above.

Qualifying degree and other courses/projects

When we assess whether you meet the admission requirements for the Master's degree program, Danish legislation only allows us to assess your Bachelor's degree. Consequently, you cannot study supplementary courses between Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in order to meet the admission requirements.

If you have passed courses/projects before you complete the qualifying Bachelor's degree, these can be included in the assessment, even though they are not part of the Bachelor's degree program.

  • It applies to courses/projects you have taken as single subjects and courses/projects you have taken as part of another study program.
  • A maximum of 30 ECTS credits of these courses/projects may be included.

International Bachelor’s degree

You can only get an answer to whether or not your degree meets the admission requirement by applying for admission to the MSc Programme. Only the admission committee can evaluate whether you are qualified or not and they only do this once they have received your application.

Bachelor’s degree from Denmark

You are entitled to 1 pre-assessment for 1 study programme, where, based on an assessment of the documentation you have submitted, we will inform you whether you meet the admission requirements.

This is a service offered by SCIENCE, but it is not a service you have to make use of in order for you to apply for admission.

Read about pre-assessment

Language requirements

Unless you have a legal right of admission to the programme you are applying for, you are required to document proficiency in English.

See language requirements

Application deadlines

Study start in September

1 March at 23:59

Application deadline for Danish applicants and applicants from within the EU, EEA and Switzerland.
Open for applications from 16 January. You will receive a reply by 10 June.

15 January at 23:59

Application deadline for applicants from outside the EU, EEA and Switzerland.
Open for applications from 15 November. You will receive a reply by 1 May.

How to apply

Choose the category below that fits you and read more about how to apply for admission. You will also find information about application deadlines and documentation on the websites.

Citizen in a country outside EU, EEA or Switzerland

Bachelor’s degree from Denmark

International bachelor’s degree

Prioritisation of applicants

If the number of qualified applicants to the programme exceeds the number of places available, applicants will be prioritised according to the following criteria:

  • Total number of ECTS credits in courses within geology-geoscience

Limitation on second degrees

If you have already completed a Master's degree, please check out the rules concerning a second degree.

Admission statistics Geology-Geoscience 2023
Admitted 30
Admission distribution (legal right/other) 87% / 13%
Applicants 51
Age average 25
Legal gender distribution (cpr. - m/f) 47% / 53%
Nationality (dk/international) 87% / 13%
Available spots No

Programme structure

Geology-Geoscience is a versatile programme, where you'll be joining excursions and field trips in Denmark and abroad. You get an introduction to a range of academic disciplines, as well as methods and concepts within the field of geology.

You will also be working in the lab and on your laptop, analysing the results you've collected in the field. At the same time you train your skills to communicate the results both orally and in writing.

Master's Thesis

The entire second year of the programme you work on your Master’s thesis. Examples of topics for recent MSc theses are:

  • Vulcanological and geochemical survey of Boa Vista, Cape Verde Islands
  • Geochemical study of Storø gold mineralisation, West Greenland
  • Study of ground-water exchange to and from lakes using tracer tests
  • Evolution of the birds after the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary
  • Sedimentological analysis of the Balka sandstone on Bornholm

Do a Project in Practice or Study Abroad

You can use some of your elective courses to do a Project in Practice in collaboration with a company or an organisation. You can also choose to study abroad as part of your programme. Read more here:

Programme Overview

Compulsory courses: 15 ECTS
Restricted elective courses: 30 ECTS
Elective courses: 15 ECTS
Thesis: 60 ECTS

One block each year equals nine weeks of study and 15 ECTS. The table is primarily for guidance and may be subject to revision.

Year 1

Block 1Block 2Block 3Block 4
Aqueous GeochemistryMineral ResourcesRestricted electiveRestricted electiveRestricted elective
Restricted electiveElective courseElective course

Year 2

Block 1Block 2Block 3Block 4


Please note: The programme curriculum is for the current academic year. A revised curriculum for the coming academic year will follow.

Video: Emil and Julian talk about the study programme in Geology-Geoscience

Career opportunities

Formation and evolution of the Earth, geological materials, processes and structures, and the study of the history of the Earth and of life on Earth within a temporal framework are the key subject areas of the programme.

Competence Description

Through the MSc programme you will:

  • Gain broad knowledge of the main areas within geology and geoscience as well as obtain specialist knowledge within a specified area of the discipline.
  • Acquire experience working with geology in the field and the laboratory within a specified area of geology and geoscience.
  • Learn to analyse a geological problem, set up a working model, collect and analyse geological data and prepare a professionally sound and detailed scientific report (Master's thesis).
  • Achieve relevant skills within IT, dissemination and communication and learn to express yourself and communicate geological topics in both Danish and English.


An MSc in Geology gives you a world of opportunities for employment with many interesting and different socially relevant assignments in Denmark and abroad. Most types of jobs involve fieldwork, analyses and the dissemination of findings.

Public sector jobs are typically in regional/municipal/public authorities, government research institutes like the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Risø National Laboratory and the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), or at universities and other institutions of higher education.

In industry, jobs are spread out across many different sectors. The largest private sector job sources are energy companies, construction companies and consulting engineering firms.

An increasing number of geologists from Denmark find work abroad in connection with environmental development work and consulting, and at universities and other research institutions.

Student life

High quality education in English, a flexible study structure, excellent facilities, an international study environment, attractive and green campus areas, and the opportunity to experience life in Copenhagen, the cool capital of Denmark. These are some of the qualities about studying at Faculty of Science (SCIENCE) at University of Copenhagen that you can expect.

Throughout the year, various social activities are arranged for all SCIENCE students and for international students specifically. These activities include:

  • Introduction Days for new students 
  • A welcome programme for international students
  • International dinners, courses, and lectures
  • Sports activities such as fun runs or bicycle races
  • Career workshops

Students live in residence halls outside campus or share a flat in the Copenhagen area. You will find that the relatively small size of Copenhagen makes it easy to get around, even by bike.

Where Will I be Studying?

The Geology programme is primarily based at North Campus.

The University’s North Campus is centrally located. It is home to scientific, pharmaceutical and health science research, and neighbour to the Copenhagen University Hospital (Rigshospitalet), Metropolitan University College, and Fælledparken.

Many exciting building activities are going on at the campus areas at the moment, including the construction of a new Natural History Museum and the Niels Bohr Building. Furthermore, North Campus is part of a coherent district of science, health and interdisciplinarity – Innovation District Copenhagen – which is being developed these years.

You can read more about campus life at the university here:

Here you will find some useful links and videos about student life and housing in Copenhagen, and the welcome programme for international students at Faculty of Science.

Video: Study Science at University of Copenhagen

Meet Elizabeth and Alex who study at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. See what it is like to live and study in Denmark.

Video: SCIENCE Welcome Programme

The SCIENCE Welcome Programme is a great way for international students to be introduced to the Faculty of Science at the University of Copenhagen.

Contact student guidance

Contact SCIENCE Student Service

Do you have questions about the programme structure, study or career opportunities, admission requirements or application procedure, please feel free to contact SCIENCE Student Services.

Contact SCIENCE Student Services


  • Faculty of Science, North Campus, Øster Voldgade 10, DK-1350 København.

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