International Bachelor’s degree

As a citizens from a country outside the EU, EEA or Switzerland, you can apply for admission based on a relevant bachelor’s degree or another relevant degree at the same educational level.

You can only get an answer to whether or not your degree meets the academic admission requirement by applying for admission at the MSc Programme. Solely the Admissions Committee can evaluate whether you are qualified or not. They do this once they have received your application.

Application fee

Citizens from a country outside the EU, EEA or Switzerland must pay an application fee of DKK 750 (approx. EUR 100).

Tuition fees

Citizens from a country outside the EU, EEA or Switzerland must pay tuition fees. The fee is DKK 75,000.00 per academic year.

How to apply?

It is your bachelor’s degree and its academic contents that determine whether you meet the admission requirements. Please note that the MSc programme is in English. Therefore, there is a specific language requirement for the study programme.

When you apply for admission, you need to create an application in the Application Portal and upload relevant documentation. This is the only way you can apply for admission.

Documentation for your application
See the list of documentation that you need to upload when you apply for admission below under Documentation.

Proof of English proficiency
you must document that you fulfill the English language requirement.

Deadline to upload documentation for English proficiency: 15 January
The deadline will not be extended. If you do not upload documentation for English proficiency by the deadline, your application will be rejected.

Apply hereYou can submit 3 applications for UCPH

Please note that you may submit a maximum of 3 applications to UCPH study programmes with the same study start.

Follow your application

Once you have applied for admission, you will find application updates and received messages from the University in the Application Portal. When you receive a message in the Application Portal, you will receive an email at the mail address you have registered with your application. Please be aware that emails from the Application Portal may end up in your spam filter. Therefore, the Faculty also advises you to regularly check your message tab in the Application Portal for messages - incl. any offer of admission.

Tips for the Application Portal

  • Use Firefox or Goggle Chrome as your browser when creating and submitting your application.
  • Check the user guide for the application portal when you fill out your application.
  • Read the FAQ where you can find answers to the most common questions concerning the Application Portal.
  • Contact the Student Advisory Service if you cannot find the answers, you are looking for in the FAQ.
  • Contact the MSc Admissions Team at the Faculty of Social Sciences if you have technical problems.

Technical challenges
If you are having trouble logging into the Application Portal or encounter other technical difficulties when applying, please contact the Faculty of Social Sciences by e-mailing The e-mail should include a description of the problem in question as well as one or more screen dumps that illustrate the problem in question.

Program errors on your own computer and technical difficulties in general, including troubles with logging in, that result in the fact that you are unable to submit your application before the deadline for applications, are not considered to be valid reasons for not applying before the deadline for application. Only the fact that the Application Portal itself fails will be considered as a valid reason for not applying before the deadline for applications. In such cases, make a screen dump which indicates the date and time of your attempt to submit your application as well as the error message displayed and e-mail this to

The Application Portal is a nationwide online application system, which is used by most of the universities in Denmark. You should therefore expect that the server is very busy on a regular basis - especially close to the deadline for applications. If many applicants are attempting to log into the Application Portal simultaneously, you may experience login issues and other problems when attempting to submit your application etc. If this result in the fact that you are unable to submit your application before the deadline for applications, your application are not considered, as this is not considered to be a valid reason for not applying before the deadline for applications.

We, thus, recommend that you apply as soon as possible when the Application Portal opens.

You will receive your application result via the Application Portal no later than 1 May. The result may come earlier, so it is important that you keep an eye out for messages.

If the Faculty requests additional documentation or you are offered admission, you will be given 7 days to respond. If you fail to respond before the deadline given to you, your application is rejected.

Accept your offer of admission
If you have received an offer of admission, you need to accept the offer. If you do not accept the offer before the deadline, which will be 7 days from the day that you receive the offer, you will lose your place on the MSc programme. Therefore, it is important to check the status of your application regularly at the Application Portal.

Check your email and the message tab in the Application Portal regularly
When you receive a message at the Application Portal, you will receive an email at the mail address you have registered with your application. Please be aware that emails from the Application Portal may end up in your spam filter. Therefore, the Faculty also advises you to regularly check your message tab in the Application Portal for messages - incl. any offer of admission.


Attachments RequiredWorth knowing…

Diploma and transcript

Official (signed and stamped) diploma and academic transcript from a completed Bachelor's degree.


Official (signed and stamped) academic transcript of results from the Bachelor's programme you are currently enrolled in.

  • You are only required to upload documentation under either 'Completed academic degrees' or 'In-progress academic degrees'.
  • Applicants applying for admission on the basis of an international Bachelor's degree must upload transcript that documents all exam attempts in any and all courses.
  • Any and all transcripts must include information about ECTS/credits/units awarded for each course.
  • If the academic transcript is not in English or a Scandinavian language you need to get a translation from a certified translator and upload both the original and translated version.
  • All applicants from non-Danish universities must, consequently, upload a complete transcript showing all examination attempts, the date of each examination attempt and the appurtenant exam result. It must be clearly stated on the transcript whether it contains improved grades or not. 

  • If the applicant is unable to obtain a complete transcript from the home university, a confirmation that the applicant's transcript does not contain improved grades issued by the current home university is required instead. 


A short description (approximately 2 pages) of how the requirement of 15 ECTS of qualitative and/or quantitative research methods within social sciences is covered in your qualifying bachelor degree. 


Current courses

Official documentation (signed and stamped) of course and/or exam registrations, if any, that you expect to pass before the start of the Master’s degree programme.

Examples of accepted documentation:

  • List of course registrations issued on official stationery and signed and stamped by the issuing university.
  • List of exam registrations issued on official stationery and signed and stamped by the issuing university.
  • Official transcript (signed and stamped) which include course registrations (to be highlighted using a highlight marker pen

Course descriptions

Course descriptions for all relevant Bachelor’s courses, including any courses that you are currently taking.

Please make sure that your course description has at least two of the three specifications below:

  • Consisting of at least 250 words
  • Course outline
  • Bibliography/syllabus

Example of course description

Official proof of English language qualifications on par with the Danish upper secondary school 'English level B'.

University system and grading scheme

Short description of the university system from where you graduate(d), including:

  • the length/duration of your Bachelor's degree programme
  • the total amount of ECTS/credits/units required for graduation
  • the grading scheme and grade distribution guidance.

Example of grading scale and university system

  • You must adhere to above example in order to ensure that all necessary information is included.
  • If the grading scale and university system is included in your transcript, you must clearly indicate and refer to the page in question.
  • Links to websites are not accepted as documentation.

Master’s degree admission rule

Do you already have a Master's degree from Denmark or abroad, or do you expect to complete one before study start?

If so, you can, in principle, only be admitted to a new degree programme if there are places available on the degree programme to which you are applying for admission.

Completed MSc courses

Documentary proof of any completed exams or courses from a previous unfinished MSc degree programme


We receive many applications and, therefore, we would like you to consider the following when uploading documents:

  • Please submit files in PDF format if in any way possible.
  • Please name the files that you upload with a clear and descriptive name (eg. Transcript.pdf or Letter.pdf). Suggested file names are found in the table listing the required documents.
  • Remember to state the full name of your degree where the Application Portal asks for this information
  • If you have separate files for your academic transcript, please merge them into one file (instead of uploading separate files for each page)
  • Make sure that documents are scanned properly and in the right direction (not sideways or upside down)

And please make sure that your degree qualifies for admission

If you have completed courses or exams from a previous unfinished MSc programme, you must to upload documentation of these results. We will use the documentation to evaluate whether you are eligible for mandatory credit transfer.

You are also obligated to inform us whether you have completed an MSc programme. 

If you have used data exchange
If you have used data exchange, we will import the information automatically.

If you have not used data exchange
If you have not used data exchange, please upload documentation, which can be either:

  • A copy or a scan of official transcripts or
  • Diplomas for all completed courses/exams at your former MSc Programme

  • If you do not have all of the documentation ready when you submit your application, you need to upload a note (e.g. a pdf) indicating when you expect to have the documentation and upload it in place of the attachment.
  • You can only submit your application if you upload documents where you are requested to upload a document.

  • As a point of departure, you cannot add or replace documents on your application after the deadline for applications.
  • However, we will assess whether your application is complete by looking through the required documentation. If anything is missing, we will send you a message in the Application Portal and an e-mail notifying you a message has arrived.
  • Your deadline for uploading any missing documents will be 7 days from the time we contact you. So make sure you check your application regularly and your e-mail every day. Remember to check your spam filter too.
  • If you do not upload the required documentation before the deadline, your application may be rejected due to lacking documentation.
  • If you do not upload the required documentation before the deadline given to you in the message in the Application Portal, your application may be rejected due to lacking documentation.

The Student Advisory Service is ready to help you with your application.

Have you been offered admission?

We look forward to meeting you and to welcoming you to the MSc programme.

Welcome days
The welcome programme at your MSc programme will take place in Week 35.

Check your email regularly
We will send you all information concerning your first days at UCPH to the email that you have registered in your application. Therefore, please check the email you have registered in your application regularly.

Upload documentation
Please remember that there might be documentation you need to upload before your study start (see above).

If admitted on one or more conditions being met, we advise applicants from outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland to submit documentary proof that they meet any and all conditions of their admission as soon as possible.

The Faculty is unable to initiate the application process for a newly admitted student’s Danish residence permit until the student has been fully admitted to the degree programme, i.e. has provided documentary proof that they meet any and all conditions of their admission.

Please be advised that the rules in relation to the process for obtaining a Danish residence permit are very strict and that the application process is very lengthy and administratively heavy (in general two months).

Get help with course registration and tips for housing
The Student Advisory Services is ready to help you with your course registration and other academic matters.

As an international full-degree student at UCPH, you are offered housing via Housing Foundation Copenhagen when admitted to an MSc degree programme at UCPH. For more information about the housing offer and, if relevant, how to find accommodation yourself, click here.

Do you have a functional impairment?
If you have special needs due to a functional impairment (for example dyslexia or a physical or mental diagnose) then it is possible for you to get help and support during your study programme because of your condition. Among others, you can apply for special aids, IT equipment and support classes.

Contact the Student Advisory Services if you want to know more about your options and how to apply for what you need.