Study change, transfer and re-admission at HUM

Re-enrolment, transfer or change of programme

You must apply for re-enrolment, transfer or change of programme if you have passed exams corresponding to at least the first year of study on the programme you are applying for. First you must find out whether you are to apply for

  • admission/re-admission
  • re-enrolment, transfer or change of programme

Do you have a master degree? - please read more


You must apply for admission if you have passed less than the first year of study on the programme you are applying for.

If you have passed exams corresponding to the first year of study of the programme you are applying for, you still need to apply for admission, if you have passed exams as:

  • part of a part-time programme (including single subjects)
  • part of a programme at an educational institution outside Denmark.

If you have previously studied the same Master's degree programme

  • You need to withdraw 1 April at the latest to be admitted the same year with start 1 September (if you have withdrawn from the programme yourself).
  • The status of your passed exams, exam attempts and study activity requirements will take effect again.

Application deadline: 1 March.

Follow the ordinary application procedure

Submit your application via the application portal. Apply well in advance – thereby, you may avoid technical problems that often arise just before application deadlines.

How to use the application portal

  1. Log in or register as a user in the application portal.
  2. Fill in your application.

  3. Transfer data from your previous programme by using the data transfer option.

  4. Upload any necessary documentation that was not transferred.

  5. Send your application.

  6. Remember to check your email for important messages from UCPH (including your spam filter) and in the application portal. It may be decisive for whether you get a place or not.

See also the user guide to the application portal.

Response to your application

It takes up to three months from the time you submit your application until it has been processed. Replies will be posted on an ongoing basis, so keep an eye on your email, where you will be notified when the answer is ready in the application portal. We will only look at your application after the application deadline.


You must apply for re-enrolment if you have previously studied on the same full-time programme and passed the equivalent of at least the first year of study on the programme you are applying for. This applies regardless of whether you studied at UCPH or another Danish university.

You can be re-enrolled if

  1. The programme has vacant places.

  2. You were a full-time student on the same master’s degree programme at UCPH or another Danish university.

  3. You have passed the equivalent of the first year of study on the programme you are applying for.

  4. It has been at least five months since you were withdrawn.
  5. You meet the programme's admission requirements.


In case of re-enrolment, you will follow the most recent curriculum. If you have been enrolled under another curriculum, you might not get credit transfer for some of your passed exams. Please also note that your previous examination attempts and the study activity requirements that were in force when you were withdrawn from the programme will still apply.

For technical reasons, you must use the link ‘Apply for transfer’ If you have studied at another Danish university – your application will, however, still be handled as a case of re-enrolment. Please, upload all relevant documentation as in an application for re-enrolment.

Apply for re-enrolment

Apply for transfer


We need documentation from you to assess your admission qualifications and your abilities to complete the programme.

You can transfer all of your data from the previous programme by using the feature 'data exchange'. Remember to check which data is transferred to make sure that we get all the necessary data, and you only need to upload missing documentation.

In the application portal, you upload documentation under ‘Requirements and prerequisites’, in accordance with the headings below:

  • Completed higher education programmes

  • Non-completed higher education programmes
    It is a legal requirement that you inform us about non-completed higher education programmes and send documentation for completed courses and exams.

  • List of courses/subject elements
    An overview of the courses/subject elements that you have passed in the programme to which you are applying for re-enrolment. 

  • Additional documentation
    • An account of how your ability to complete the programme has improved significantly, so it is now realistic that you can complete the programme as a full-time student. The rapport must be max. ½ pages. In addition, you must upload documentation showing that your ability to complete the programme has improved significantly, e.g. a doctor's certificate or documentation that you no longer have full-time work.
      (Note: This only applies for applicants who have used their exam attempts, have exceeded the maximum duration of study, and/or have not met the programme's study activity requirement).

    • A study plan for the remainder of your studies, where you study full-time after re-enrolment. You can get help to draw up a study plan from your student counsellor. (Note: This only applies to applicants who have exceeded the maximum durationof study)

Rules to be aware of

If you have started on a bachelor's or master’s programme without completing it, it is a legal requirement that you inform us about it and send documentation for completed courses and exams.

Read more about credit transfer from a previous programme

Transfer to UCPH

You must apply for transfer if you are studying on the same full-time programme at another Danish university and have passed the equivalent of at least the first year of study on the programme you are applying for.

You can be transferred to UCPH if

  1. You are a full-time student on the same master’s degree programme at another Danish university
  2. You have passed courses – or will pass courses before study start – that are equivalent of at least the first year of study on the programme you are applying for (see its current curriculum)
  3. The programme has vacant places
  4. You meet the programme's admission requirements.

Apply for transfer to UCPH


You can apply for dispensation if there are exceptional circumstances in your life of such a grave nature that you need to apply for a transfer without having completed the first year of study. For further information, please contact

We need documentation from you to assess your admission qualifications and your abilities to complete the programme.

You can transfer all of your data from the previous programme by using the feature 'data exchange'. Remember to check which data will be transferred to make sure that we get all the necessary data, and you only need to upload missing documentation.

In the application portal, you upload documentation under ‘Requirements and prerequisites’, in accordance with the headings below:

Completed higher education programmes

  • An overview of courses/subject elements.  The overview must contain your grades, the amount of ECTS/credits/units obtained, the date you passed the respective exams and a signature from the issuing institution.

Non-completed higher education programmes

  • An overview of courses/subject elements.  The overview must contain your grades, the amount of ECTS/credits/units obtained, the date you passed the respective exams and a signature from the issuing institution.

List of courses/subject elements

  • An overview of the courses/subject elements that you expect to pass before 1 September (the start of the MSc programme at UCPH).
  • If you are studying at another university than UCPH, you must upload the curriculum for your current MSc programme.

Additional documentation

  • Dispensation application if you apply for dispensation based on exceptional circumstances.

Rules to be aware of

If you have started on a bachelor’s or master’s programme without completing it, it is a legal requirement that you inform us about it and send documentation for completed courses and exams.

Read more about credit transfer from a previous programme

Change of programme

You must apply for a change of programme if you are studying on another full-time programme and have passed the equivalent of at least the first year of study on the programme you are applying for.

You can apply for a change of programme if:

1. You are a full-time student on a master’s degree programme at a Danish university.

2. You have passed courses – or will pass courses before study start – that are equivalent of at least one year of study on the programme you are applying for.

3. The programme has vacant places.

4. You meet the programme's admission requirements.

If you are no longer enrolled, you cannot apply for a change of programme. Instead, you must apply for admission or re-admission.

apply for a change of programme


You can apply for dispensation if there are exceptional circumstances in your life of such a grave nature that you need to apply for a change of programme without having completing the first year of study. For further information, please contact

We need documentation from you to assess your admission qualifications and your abilities to complete the programme.

You can transfer all of your data from the previous programme by using the feature 'data exchange'. Remember to check which data is transferred to make sure that we get all the necessary data, and you only need to upload missing documentation.

In the application portal, you upload documentation under ‘Requirements and prerequisites’, in accordance with the headings below:

Completed higher education programmes

  • An overview of courses/subject elements.  The overview must contain your grades, the amount of ECTS/credits/units obtained, the date you passed the respective exams and a signature from the issuing institution.

Non-completed higher education programmes

  • An overview of courses/subject elements.  The overview must contain your grades, the amount of ECTS/credits/units obtained, the date you passed the respective exams and a signature from the issuing institution.

List of courses/subject elements

  • An overview of the courses/subject elements that you expect to pass before 1 September (the start of the MSc programme at UCPH).
  • If you are studying at a another university than UCPH, you must upload the curriculum for your current MSc programme.

Additional documentation

  • Dispensation application if you apply for dispensation based on exceptional circumstances.

Rules to be aware of

If you have started on a bachelor’s or master’s programme without completing it, it is a legal requirement that you inform us about it and send documentation for completed courses and exams.

Read more about credit transfer from a previous programme